Friday, June 1, 2007

Just because I am Indian...

Yes I am an Indian.

If you meet me or one of my billion fellow Indians, please avoid asking us the following questions.

1. "I love Indian food". Hye, I love Italian Food, but you do not see me yelling that at every single Italian I meet.

2. Your neighbor named Raj. Oh! he is from the same town as me. Nope, still doesn't ring a bell. Remember we are a nation of a billion people. Count all the Indians who immigrated to other countries that number becomes huge with lots of zeros at the end. So we knowing someone you know is a long shot.

3. So you saw Monsoon Wedding and you loved it. And you are telling me this because...? Do you tell every Japanese person you love Godzilla. And lastly my wedding may not be like Monsoon Wedding. Similar to how your wedding is not like the Hollywood depiction of wedding. It is a movie for dumb sake.

4. I do not practice Yoga. I do not know of any Yoga instructors. Would you by chance know of someone that can teach me lassoing?

5. And finally...I am not a PC Help Desk just because I am Indian. Yes a good number of Indians are in that field. But I am not. Do you ask every Chinese to sew your button or fix your Nike shoe?

For crying out loud, the above will not help you get into my friend list. You will not even get into my contact list. Hell I will just block you totally from my life. You are not worthy to even be in a spammer consideration set.


ZenDenizen said...

"teach me lassoing" - that was classic!!!

kitkat said...

Are you Indian? For some strange reason I thought you were Irish.

Ubershek said...

I change my skin depending upon where I am.