Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Doing a Venn on Culture Difference

A lot of my non-Indian friends have repeatedly queried me as to why arranged marriages are still prevalent in India. My answer to such questions used to be the standard "Culture Theory". But somehow the theory did not seem to enlighten the audiences.

A week ago while giving a presentation I had an epiphany. The complex question can be easily explained using a Venn Diagram.

Here is the way I see most western relationship before and after the wedding.

And this is how I see the same relationship manifest when the "Indian" variable is applied


1. This is based on my experience
2. I am not arguing that one culture is better than other. I leave such talk to politicians
3. I am not saying that every relationship ends up like this.

In the end all I am stating is that this is the foundation on why arranged marriages will always be prevalent in India, since you marry the girl and the girl marries your family. Guess men do come with baggage to...


kitkat said...

OMG, I love this Venn diagram. It is sooo true. I do think there needs to be one change though. 'His Family' should be above 'He'.

ZenDenizen said...

This was a very timely post for me. I was just reading this blog:


And this Q&A disturbed me a little:

Q: If one of us were to be offered a career opportunity in a location far from the other’s family, are we prepared to move?

I am already far from my family... Eventually, when my parents are much older, they will end up living with us. Her parents, may not live with us.

hotmess212 said...

funny--- so true. i would change his family to her family, her, his and his family. things need to change!