Sunday, January 20, 2008

Men in Shorts

What I learnt this week is that my good friend and fellow blogger does not seem to be attracted to men in shorts. They reasons given were:

"If you are in shorts, you are not a man"
"I cannot be bothered to be talking to a man who dresses like a 5 year old boy"

The only exception, apparently is when men play sports.

So that got me thinking...why do men wear shorts?

Reason #1: It is hot out there....
Reason #2: We go to the gym and work out our lower body. In that case we need to show them off or else what is the point.
Reason #3: We cannot wear skirts. (Some do but that is whole another war, that I am not fighting)
Reason #4: Laundry becomes less of a hassle
Reason #5: If is half as expensive (I know this is a lame reason but 4 reasons sounded awkward)

I swear to henceforth wear shorts to all social events during the summer. I ask other male to follow suit. In the words of Bart Simpson...I will let the picture speak for itself...


Karen said...

I have to say that men in shorts are generally not a great thing. I agree with your "fellow blogger". However, men in capri pants is worse.

ZenDenizen said...

Uber, if you work out your lower body, believe me the results will be noticeable in the right pants.

Karen, will you be my new best friend?

-fellow blogger