Friday, September 28, 2007

Roller Derby

A couple of weeks back, my friend Matt (who also happens to be a co-organizer in the meetup group and a wonderful person) suggested we go to watch Roller Derby. The incentive was that we can go later and drink with the girls from the Roller Derby. Now, how can I refuse this offer. Girl on girl fight, drinking with girls, maybe more girl on girl...

So of we went to Newark to watch the enthralling event called Roller Derby (The home team's name was Bridges and Pummel). As I pulled up, I noticed that parking lot was full and the most surprising aspect was there was a sizable porting on men/women with their young lings. (I am sure the Good Parenting magazine does not list Roller Derby as a way to bond with your family)

The event started with the usual post 9-11 festivities....raising the flag, sing the national anthem, couple of USA USA chant....but all without any celebrities.

So after 10 minutes, I managed to get Matt into the following conversation:

Uber: The roller derby is kind of lame.
Matt: What? I love it. I am so coming back to watch this on a regular basis.
Uber: Apparent we are watching different games. When does this end?
Matt: There is another 2 period each lasting 20 minutes.

Then I found out that there was also a men's team. They played their period between the girl's period. Later in the second period, I once again got into a conversation with Matt.

Uber: I have no idea what is going on. And Matt, are you coming to watch this regularly.
Matt: Not regularly, I may come back to watch them again.
Uber: Hmmm....
Matt: You realize they do not serve alcohol here.
Uber: Yes and that is what makes this thing drag on.

End of period 2

The final conversation went something like this:

Uber: You serious about coming back to this.
Matt: I do not think I will come back.
Uber: Wow, you views on Roller Derby have changed faster than Kerry view's on any issue.


a. Alcohol would have made the event tolerable.
b. Alcohol would have made my friends tolerable.
c. Alcohol would have made me tolerable.


Unknown said...

2 things:
Going to roller derby once a year could be deemed "a regular basis"

Who needs the alcohol to make you more tolerable? You or everybody else? : )

Unknown said...

# cheers for ALCOHOL - hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!

ZenDenizen said...

I've been stuck in traffic for 2 hours in a car with no air conditioning. I finally ducked into an Indian threading salon in union city to just get out of the car. I bet you had a better time than I'm having now.