Friday, September 21, 2007

Bookends to Bookends

I've been tagged by Zen Denizen aka MGS, and was ordered in the nicest way to complete this.

Book that changed your life - R.K.Narayanan's Malgudi Days. The stories are so simple, the characters are believe and writing was impeccable. And the bonus factor, his brother R.K.Laxman did some very good caricature work to bring the stories to live. This was the one of the first book I read, so it changed me in terms to this day I love reading more than anything else. (OK alcohol, food, sex, music comes first, but it is in my top 5)

Book you've read more than once - The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volumes I & II. I am still to this day enthralled with the spy/mystery genre. I read this first during the summer of 1986 and then again around 10 years later.

Book you'd take to a deserted island - I am actually not planning on going to a deserted island, but say I am forced to be at one then I would have to be the complete works of JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. At least this would keep me occupied for a long time. The pages I read could be used as fire starter and I can use the book as a weapon to defend myself.

Book(s) that made you laugh - This is a tough one. A lot of books have made me laugh. So I am going to skip this one

Book(s) you wish you had written - Not a book but art with a story Frank Miller's 300. The art was uber cool and over shadowed the powerful words and story. And truly inspirational. The words that will be always stuck to me are

Stelios: It is an honor to die at your side.
King Leonidas: It is an honor to have lived at yours.

Book you wish had never been written - 300...the fame and fortune. More importantly for the fame. Yes I am vain

Book you're currently reading - Paul Shirley and Chuck Klosterman's Can I Keep My Jersey?: 11 Teams, 5 Countries, and 4 Years in My Life as a Basketball Vagabond. I am actually shocked that a jock could write so elequontly, never mind he got Klosterman with him but still. But the bonus, the book borders on being hilarious.

Book you've been meaning to read - Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali. I have read his works here and there, but I always want to read the collection that got him the Nobel Prize.

Book you've been meaning to finish - Homer's (not Homer Simpson but the Greek dude) Odyssey. I have read maybe 25 pages and then stop. I revisit it once a year but end up reading the same pages since I have zero memory. I think this is the book I should take to a deserted island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice quote from 300 but now I'll forever associate it with your cape remarks.

You still didn't finish the one on books that make you laugh :)