Thursday, July 12, 2007

Reason I will get married

Last week when having one of those "zen" conversations after a couple of bottles of wine at this delightful roof top garden. The question came to owning houses in Jersey City. Due to my aversion to suburbia and that I do not make $$$$ per year, the only houses I can afford are 1 bedroom of 800 sq.feet. Since I am pack rat that hardly suffices. So I proclaimed I would marry to be able to afford a bigger place.

That conversation soon morphed into why I would marry...

#1. I can now afford to buy 2/3 bedroom condo in Jersey City and not have to torment myself to a life in suburbs with the the manicured lawns, tree lined avenues, women with wicker baskets etc.

#2. This is important. I can get to buy a nice sports convertible. I will let my wife buy a regular sedan. That way we have both. One for fun and the other for lugging around groceries and people. (I am Indian and having a Japanese owned sedan is a right of passage for us)

#3. I feels girls are more fetish about cleaning than guys. So me being a pig will be negated by her. Plus cleaning may actually be fun with her around.

#4. All bills will be split in too...and I will save on taxes.

#5. And yes I get the extra benefits someone to talk too, argue with, fight with, more stories for the blog and yes sex too. There I said it.

And some of you might ask, is this a reason to get married? That is so materialistic. My answer to all of you naysayers, I found my reason to get married. I cannot help it if insurance, banks, realtor's, IRS give more breaks to married people than single people. I do not make the rules of the game. I just play the game. There are sacrifices needed to win the game and I am willing to make them.

Now time to and surf


ZenDenizen said...

Hey, no "zen" conversations without me present...

Ubershek said...

you were there in spirit

ZenDenizen said...

You know the crazy VP here whose dog is named Uber? She has a horse named Spirit.