Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Battle of the Bulge

Along with the rest of the 95% population of America, I too embarked on the fruitless journey of weight loss.

So I started at 235 pounds. Here was my schedule

January - 4/5 days of gym a week which involved weights and cardio. Slim-fast for lunch.
February - 3/4 of gym a week. Intake of Slimfast cut down from everyday to 2/3 days
March - 3/4 days of gym a week. Slimfast down to 1/2 days a week.
April - Back to the January schedule

So yesterday I was in Central Bar NYC to catch my friend's friend band's CD release party. I was lamenting with my friend MGS about my lack of loosing my gut

Uber: I do not get it I am doing close to 100 situps 4/5 days a week and my abs are still flabby
MGS: I think it is the Indian genes
Uber: What?
MGS: White folks do 100 situps one day and the next day they have a six pack. Indians can do 100 situps every day but will continue to be flabby.

I am wondering if that is true...but then again I wonder if MGS was telling me that I am beyond hope (MGS was the one that helped me get serious about my weight by referring to me as a "Big Teddy Bear")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I maintain Indians are just not fortunate weight wise. We're either toothpicks or kinda soft :(

I think you meant to post this on the 18th not the 8th.