Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lost - the saga of one bag

It happened around 2 years back. I decided I had enough international experience, I could handle and made my way back to US of A. Most of my stuff (like my samurai sword/Australian boomberang/Kiwi Good Luck Statue) where being shipped to US of A, but I decided to carry with me 6 bags/boxes.

Made my way to the luggage carousel #12, I should a write a separate blog about the conversations I tend to have there. Slowly the tired travellers started to pick up their bags and head out. I had got 5 of my bag/boxes and had only one to go. I should have realized at this point that the 6th one was not going to come out, but somehow was clinging on to the last vestige of hope that one of my luggage mysteriously split from the group and will be coming out solo.

Me, and another couple kept peering hoping to see our luggage. All that remained on the carousel is this one bag waiting for it owner. The owner I presume was being given the alien probe at immigration or decided to leave the bag in a haste to get out of the airport. So with heavy heart me and the other couple decided that time had come to face the inevitable and report it the airline. So we troop over the airline (United) counter.

Here is some of the conversation that happened:

Uber: Excuse me but one of my bag is missing.
Counter Girl: Did you look everywhere?
Uber (confused as to what everywhere means): You mean did I go outside and check in the cargo hold.
Counter Girl (rolling her eyes): No did you make sure your bag is not there
Uber: I am sure it is not there, else I would not have been here.
Counter Girl: OK fill out the forms.
Uber (filled out the form and handed it to her): So my bag is lost
Counter Girl: It is not lost, we have not found it yet.
Uber: So it is lost.
Counter Girl: No it is not lost as I told you. We have just not found it?

I was tired after the 13 hour flight, but went ahead and asked her the questions of the day

Uber: When will the status of my bag move from "Not Found" to "Lost"

She gave me that look of "I hope you never find your bag" as I started to turn and head towards the exit. The couple behind me smiled and thanked me for the laughs

PS: The 6th bag was never found. I assume that somewhere in "Not Foundland" my bag is wondering why I had left without saying goodbye. I miss my 6th bag. I miss the stuff in it, especially my Hello Kitty Graphic T-Shirt.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

did you go back and ask her out ? -SS

Ubershek said...

I should have, that would have been a great story of "how we met?"