Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blind Date

Last night, my good friend Cupcake was telling me how she knew this girl how was set up on a blind date by her "then" close friend. The date went OK. Now you are wondering what a waste of post. Wait there is more to come which will make all you so called dates from hell seem tame.

Ater the date they took a lisuerally stroll when the friend asked her date where he actually lived. He told her he currently lived in the corner of X Street and Y Avenue. They walked to the corner and as she was wondering which building he lived in, he proceeded to take here round the corner and pointed to a box and said "This is where I live". She was set up with a homeless man. I would have loved to see the expression on her face.

I am unable to fathom which friend would such a thing. And not before you ask, it was not April 1 or some kind of practical joke.


ZenDenizen said...

But how did he manage to look presentable? Shower at the Y?

Ubershek said...

And this was a true story...