Monday, September 29, 2008

Education Standards

I have nothing about the state of Texas or the people who live in Texas. My company is HQ in Texas and some of my closest friends live there. I have actually found that most people in Texas are warm and friendly though they do manage to somehow be strongly Republican (not that there is anything wrong with it).

I had a chance this Saturday to go and watch a football game UT (University of Texas) vs Arkansas which took place at Austin Texas. As we were driving there my friend and associate was mentioning to me that UT is standard for academics is quite high. So with such a background the following was a conversation that I overhead which was quite startling:

Lady (sitting in front of me): Excuse me sir, can I get 2 bottles of water.
Water Boy: Sure
Lade: How much?
Water Boy: Well it is $3.50 per bottle?
Lady: Here is $7.00
Water Boy: Well let me see it is $3.50 per bottle, you want 2 bottles so the total would be hmmm...$3.50 per bottle.
Lady - Stumped for word look back at me for help

I lean over to my friend and ask "High Standards eh?"

PS: His daughter at that moment decided that her first school of choice is now Texas A&M and not UT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do it. I thought going to redneck PA every week was bad enough...