Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stuff Brown (Indian/Desi) People like to do in USA

I am in all honesty devoid of a single Idea on what to blog. My good and extremely beautiful friend Zen already posted about stuff white people like blog.

That gave me an idea on doing a parody stuff brown people like to do while in USA, but then again I am too lazy to do it. If I did right about it this is the list I would have come up with and it is no particular order:

1. Addicted to cell phone especially the PDA variety
2. Online dating
3. Creating or joining social network
4. Having token white friends to show off
5. Dating white guys/girls
6. Buying Toyota/Honda cars
7. Buy BMW/Mercedes as the next car
8. Enjoying pseudo intellect conversation about Indian philosophy
9. Cricket
10. Throwing or going to Bollywood parties
11. Taking photos

I am open to anyone adding to the list or writing about this?


P said...

I reached your blog roaming around aimlessly. I saw the title of this post and was all ready to get angry, but I am totally smiling right now. On-the-spot observations, I must say :)

Heather said...

I'm particularly interested in #5!! ;)

ZenDenizen said...

My take on your list:

1. Addicted to cell phone especially the PDA variety - I would've never bought one on my own, it's thru work. My personal cell is still a 2003 Nokia!
2. Online dating - Guilty
3. Creating or joining social network - Guilty
4. Having token white friends to show off - They're not token, they're genuine, besides I think you have more white friends than me Sean Murphy.
5. Dating white guys/girls - It's complicated.
6. Buying Toyota/Honda cars - First car was a Honda Civic
7. Buy BMW/Mercedes as the next car - Guilty, Mercedes was next
8. Enjoying pseudo intellect conversation about Indian philosophy - Never, sorry, I just don't do this, I don't think it's an interesting topic, save it for the Sepia Lunacy Kurta Brigade.
9. Cricket - Nah, not my thing
10. Throwing or going to Bollywood parties - Only if a friend is celebrating something, personally I'd never attend if it were up to me.
11. Taking photos - Guilty

Amit said...

12. Throw Oscar parties? :p

Ubershek said...

P - Thankgod you did not get angry.

Zen - Yes I have genunie white friends but then I see some Indians who make it a point to try to only introduce me to friends who are non indians. Make friends based on the person not on skin color

Amit - Of course Oscar Parties. How could I forgot

Heather - How interested are you on #5?

ZenDenizen said...

Uber you've been tagged:

ZenDenizen said...

Have you seen this?