Sunday, August 19, 2007

Things I hope never to witness....ever

These are the things I hope will be forever be eradicated, hoping for our children's generation, so our children's children will only have the opportunity to know about them through books or archives

1. Violence against women and children
2. Repeat of Hiroshima/Nagasaki
3. Ethnic Cleansing
4. Famine, drought, hunger
5. People excluded due to skin color, race or religion

It still puzzles me that in spite of us evolving as a species and reaching new frontiers in the fields of science we somehow are till not evolved in being a compassionate human being.

I once heard from a person who was part of the team that dropped the infamous bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and I quote, "I hear so called pundits and common man say just drop the N bomb to get rid of the problem, and I wonder to myself how naive in thinking we have become. These people do not know what an N bomb is and I wished I did not have the brains to create and drop one"

1 comment:

ZenDenizen said...

Definitely a change of pace from your other posts!